Shift, balance, and restore your health with the ancient philosophy of Acupuncture at the Linden & Arc Vitality Institute. By placing small needles along your body’s meridian pathways, this practice stimulates energy (known as Qi), empowering your body to naturally heal its biological functions, including your digestion, brain power, heart vitality, and hormone balance. With a personalized, evidence-based treatment plan targeting the root cause of your symptoms, you’ll experience the physiological benefits of Acupuncture in SW Calgary with us.
Acupuncture is based on the Chinese principle of Qi (pronounced ‘chee’), which is the life force that regulates a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Targeting the meridians, the ‘highways’ in which Qi flows, can help alleviate symptoms of painful conditions.
Microneedling is a natural collagen-producing therapy. Using a specialized roller with tiny needles, this practice stimulates collagen and removes skin imbalances (such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis) associated with dysfunctional systems.
The primary goal of a massage is to restore and keep positive energy flowing through the body by targeting the meridian pathways. It will detoxify physical and mental stress, increase vitality, and enhance your immune and hormonal systems.
Achieving balance is possible by adjusting your lifestyle to include specific herbs, supplements, and foods. Removing food sensitivities, repairing damaged systems, and restoring your balance with positive changes are nutritional treatment options.
We use the wisdom of Acupuncture in Calgary with a modernized approach, treating the person as a whole, not as a set of symptoms. By administering essential testing and diagnostics assessments, we can determine the root cause of your symptoms and illnesses before applying Acupuncture practices to imbalanced biological functions in your body. These practices restore dysfunctional systems, energize cells and tissues, and enhance your body’s natural healing process, encouraging and maintaining better health.
Functional Medicine and Naturopathy are based on viewing the body as a whole, focusing on the interconnecting systems – genetics, social factors and environments – and how they influence your health and well-being. However, Functional and Naturopathic Medicine uses Western medical testing and assessments to uncover the root causes of symptoms, establishing a treatment plan that improves and maintains better health while preventing symptoms. Acupuncture can be part of the multidisciplinary treatment approach that encourages complete health.
There are very few side effects of Acupuncture treatments. In most cases, you’ll experience fatigue, soreness, and bruising. You might also be more emotional after the treatment. We can explain the potential effects in more depth during our consultation.
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