Embrace The Holidays Without Dwelling on Food


The holidays can be a beautiful time. The Christmas lights, Chanukah candles flickering in the windows, seeing children filled with joy and awe. Celebrating with family and friends and looking forward to well-deserved holiday time.


Why ruin all this beauty with the stress and worry about food? Dwelling on what and how much you will cook or eat and how many calories you will need to burn off the next day at the gym ruins the holidays before they begin.


Our Wish For You


Our holiday wish for you is to just relax, enjoy, and embrace the holiday experience. It only comes around once a year, so love it vs. stress it. Here are a few tips to get you through the holidays that will help put your body in the optimum state to receive.


  1. Eat with presence – enjoy the taste, smell, traditional recipes, take in the experience of eating, and simply be with your food.
  2. Eat slowly – this will improve digestion and prevent overeating.
  3. Eat quality food – you’ll feel so much better if do!
  4. Eat rhythmically – avoid saving up all day and then binging on a big dinner; pace yourself throughout the day
  5. Watch your chatter – observe your thoughts such as, “this food is going to make me gain weight,” “people are watching what I’m eating”,” this is so bad for me,” “this is so unhealthy,” etc. These toxic nutritional beliefs taint your food, eating experience, and put your body in a stress response where digestion and calorie burning turn off.
  6. Eat with pleasure, joy and, gratitude – this is the best way to put your body in the optimum state to digest, assimilate nutrients, and turn on metabolic power. It also guarantees a delicious meal!


Are You Preparing The Holiday Dinner?


If you are preparing a holiday dinner, remember that your guests taste and feel your energy. Create an inviting environment. Cook with love vs. stress, create with joy vs. resentment, and use special recipes that inspire you or carry on the family traditions. How you are feeling and what you are thinking as you are cooking gets infused into your food, so ensure that only the best ingredients of you get added.


So friends, the bottom line is this: the best thing you can do is to cook with pleasure, bake with joy, roast with laughter, eat with gratitude, and celebrate with love. May your body, mind, spirit, and soul be deeply nourished this holiday season.